[These treasures are:] the Pigala in Kaliga, the Puka in Mithil, the Elapatra in Gndhra, and the akha in the town of Vrasi. Placed in contrast with the texts lack of the inconceivably expansive worldview found in the later Great Vehicle stras, such as the Array of Stalks Stra, one gets the impression that this text does indeed stand, as Winternitz described Avadna literature in general, with one foot in the Hnayna literature, and the other in that of the Mahyna. This would suggest a date of composition slightly earlier than the 400-600 CE of the Gilgit manuscripts. The Theosophical Maitreya: On Benjamin Creme's Millenarianism. 19, * (AMV, 4; LH 979.4; NT 959.1). he Tibetan is ambiguous enough to be read either way, more sense contextually, following Yijing. Moats built by jeweled bricks and arrayed with carpets of red and blue lotuses will be adorned with decorative grasses. 2, . See the next verse. The gods will hold up a white parasol over the head of that [boy]. The you here is plural or honorific. However, I am not quite clear on their meaning. Maitreya's priorities: Severe warning from The Elders to the G20; Share International magazine brings together two major directions of contemporary thought the political and the spiritual. Most important and are the predictions made by Nostradamus, the 3 secrets of Fatima, the biblecode, 666 number of the beast, edgar cayce, visionaires, prediction of the coming third world war, all about the 2012 prophecy, Mayan prophecies, ufo stories and pictures, the Emerge of Maitreya, hebrew spelling, the coming of the 3th antichrist, a . means duck whereas are long grasses used to make mats. The prophecy given by Buddha gives a near to exact date of when the Maitreya will come. 173 (AMV 30), (LH 991.3). 157The Sanskrit verse of edition B is problematic: The is uncertain. 36 (AMV 8; LH 980.7; NT 960.4) Literally, cymbals with five branches/parts.. Its moats, dug with elegance, show a profusion of, , differs significantly for the last line and the following verses, he has Shankha by name, who will rul. Louvain-la-Neuve: Universit catholique de Louvain, Institut orientaliste, 1988. http://search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u1669356. Vishnu is as an infinite force. Sariputra, the great general of the doctrine, most wise and resplendent, from compassion for the world asked the Lord: 'Some time ago you have spoken to us of the future Buddha, who will lead the world at a future . 128Tibetan formally closes the quote with which is not in the Sanskrit and resumes following the Sanskrit (LH 988.1, NT 967.2). Before He departed He gave a prophecy that the cultures He had inspired would eventually fall to the tragedy of greed and war. 47The Sanskrit editions begin with this verse. . Tibetan agrees with version B (the reading above): (LH 989.4, NT 968.3-968.4). (102), And after the intelligent Maitreya, the best of bipeds, has passed [into final nirva],164 the true doctrine will remain on earth for 10,000 years.165 (103), Thus, when one calms their thoughts [by placing them] on166 the conqueror, the sage of the kyas, then you will see167 the thoroughly enlightened Maitreya, the best of bipeds. (93), And Maitreya, guide and lord of the world, will be surrounded by many thousands of gods from the pure abodes,151 and he will enter [those realms].152 (94), Moreover, [accompanied] by [his] assembly of brhmaas Brahm will, with clear speech,153 relate the true doctrine, speaking with his Brahma-voice. Jambudvpa is considered to be India, where the Jambu Tree, also known as Rose Apple or Syzygium jambos, grows. There is no mention of dependent arising, nor of selflessness, or any other of the early Buddhist doctrines. As for the origin of the first version, Majumder says: The Asiatic Society manuscript of the text was written during the 57th year of Gopladeva of the Pla dynasty of Bengal. However, the text was probably written somewhere between the end of the 2nd century CE and the beginning of the 3rd. Surrounded by the 84,000 [hearers of Maitreyas sermon], the leader of men will go forth. 167 (Lvi 389). Lvi has as a divinity (comme une divinit). Possessing the seven [types of] treasures [of a wheel-turning ruler], That ruler of men will govern the landwhich will extend without interruption to the limitless oceans, At that time, this lord of the land, who is called akha, will have four great treasures each with a billion jewels. Instead, after the summary of the Four Noble Truths, the text describes how people flock to the community renouncing the world and becoming monks and nuns, including Maitreyas whole family. the use of elements from the Siddhrthas hagiography, are aspects of Buddhism that coincided and contributed to the rise of the Great Vehicle. 3. Two nga kings will bathe him with streams of warm and cool water.65 (38) [14], And having taken Maitreya who will have the 32 marks of greatness, the midwife will bring that [newborn] blazing with good fortune to [his] mother.66 (39) [NT 963], And, [like] a goddess,67 she will ride mounted in an attractive palanquin decorated with various jewels, bearing her son. These texts describe a grandiose vision of the Buddhist cosmos that is full of an inestimable number of Buddhas and saints, replete with miracles, and populated by untold hosts of non-human beings. Conze simply translates this as Some time ago (Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 238). I do not know Chinese and so have not been able to avail myself of those translations as Lvi and Conze did. Edward Conze has also translated select portions of this text (Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 238-242). The first half of the sentence uses the third person singular, 30). Stras which focus on Maitreya, such as the Maitreyavyakarana (Maitreya Prophecy) and The Sutra That Expounds the Descent of Maitreya Buddha (Taisho 454). 11, No. The lord of men will decorate that sacrificial post with various jewels. Maitreya is a transcendent bodhisattva named as the universal Buddha of a future time. The verb in Sanskrit is (nirv), the root of Nirva, meaning to I will be extinguished/blown out (). It will have a wall made of seven jewels, as tall as sound will travel. 103 (AMV 20). The Tibetan of this sentence seems to diverge from the Sanskrit in. (65) [21], And there at that time, hundreds of thousands living beings109 [LH 987] will go forth [from the householder life] under the instruction of Maitreya. by Nalinaksha Dutt, Vol. At present Maitreya is believed to reside in the Tutshita. But he, barely out of the womb, will say, Let go! 8:05 PREVIEW Once. The Mission of Maitreya is a representation of this Prophet who is called Maitreya . 15George Hart, A Rapid Sanskrit Method (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984). 60 (AMV 12), (LH 982.6-981.7, NT 962.3). See note 20. Lvi (393) follows edition A and the Tibetan, une taille de quatre-vingts longueurs de main, une largeur de vingt mains, le disque du visage moiti moins.Conze (240) has His body is eighty cubits high, and twenty cubits broad.. Once he renounces worldly life, it takes Maitreya only a day to achieve enlightenment. Most important and are the predictions made by Nostradamus, the 3 secrets of Fatima, the biblecode, 666 number of the beast, edgar cayce, visionaires, prediction of the coming third world war, all about the 2012 prophecy, Mayan prophecies, ufo stories and pictures, the Emerge of Maitreya, hebrew spelling, the coming of the 3th antichrist, a . THE FUTURE BUDDHA-----('Maitreyavyakarana') Maitreya will appear in the future, some thirty thousand years hence. Version B has will go forth in renunciation and is the reading preferred by Prof. Majumder (AMV 19). , in the performance of miracles with six other ascetic sages of his day, during which the Buddha demonstrates his complete supremacy. and kyamunis main female lay disciple, also called Mgramtar. I often translate this word as doctrine, but in this context there is enough dissonance with that standard translation to merit a deviation from it. 80The measurements given are and literally 16 vyma and 1000 vyma (AMV 16). These will be pacified Hearers whose minds are pacified.133 (81), Having set in motion the wheel of the doctrine, and indeed having educated gods and men, he will go [begging for] food in the city, accompanied by the community of Hearers. (AMV 17 n.2). Conze, Edward (ed. The Tibetan merely transliterates this name, albeit poorly: (LH 986.6; NT 966.1). Cambridge [Cambridgeshire], New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. http://search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u1243726. The size of his assembly will be a full hundred yojanas.100 (60), Upon hearing this, the lord of men, the celebrated king named akha will give innumerable donations and desire renunciation.101 (61) [20], Surrounded by the 84,000 [hearers of Maitreyas sermon], the leader of men will go forth102 and give himself up to renunciation. 110This is essentially a repeat of verse 60 (AMV p. 21). Glaswegian Creme became famous in 1982 with his announcement, through press conferences and . 4806 of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya references a time when the Dharma will have been forgotten on Jambudvipa. At that time, a woman with the name of Brahmvat, Having borne [the baby] with great majesty. (24). illuminates to Maitreya the transitory, decaying nature of the world and prompts him to leave his home. 74 (), 958-969 (BDRC W22703, digital copy accessed June 1, 2018: https://www.tbrc.org/#library_work_ViewByOutline-O01JW00501JW15936%7CW22703). See note 31. Cf. Mi-Lar is the transliteration of Maitreya in Mandarin. 95. 39Majumder (AMV 9) reconstructs the Sanskrit as (these three pools, groves, and gardens) based on the Tibetan (which agrees with NT 960.6), apparently mistaking of (marvelous) for (three), possibly due to the misspelling, , in the NT. LHs term translates as correctly ceasing. Though neither text uses the most common Tibetan word for transcendence,. 160 (AMV 28), (LH 990.3, NT 969.1). Maitreya is allegedly a bodhisattva, the term for one who . 94Edition A and Tibetan have the best of sages (AMV 19 n.1). 18Possibly the earliest reference to Maitreya in the Buddhas teachings can be found in a stra in the Collection of Long Discourses or Dgha Nikya. 43, (AMV 9; LH 981.3; NT 960.6) In the Buddhist worldview, the world is divided into four great continents. After His death in . Then, with many thousands of musical instruments. The Sanskrit verb is an unconventional future form of - to scatter. 79Conze (240) skips the next five verses until verse 53. 6. 24 (LH 979.6) AMV (5) and NT (959.4) have . For the sake of practice, I refrained from using Lvis translation until I had made a first draft, The translation here was done from the critical Sanskrit manuscript using the Tibetan translations as a reference, except for the beginning where the Sanskrit manuscripts are missing some pages, . [At an assembly] attended by 84,000 people. (6) [5], Also at that time the people of that country will indeed flourish, and their wealth will be without end. One recent translation is: Avaghoa and Patrick Olivelle, Life of the Buddha, Clay Sanskrit library (New York: New York University Press, JJC Foundation, 2008), https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015077136920?urlappend=%3Bsignon=swle:urn:mace:incommon:virginia.edu. Conze (239) has and considers their implications in the light of the holy mantras. It shows the synthesis underlying the political, social, economic and spiritual changes now occurring on a worldwide scale and seeks to stimulate . The attribution of the text to ryacandra is notable. Those women will give birth to sons with ease and well-being., , has and considering what the sacred formulas say (, . The name is taken from the Sanskrit maitri (in Pali, metta ), which means "loving kindness." In Mahayana Buddhism, Maitreya is the embodiment of all-encompassing love. In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds. (22) [NT 961], That ruler of men will govern the landwhich will extend without interruption to the limitless oceans46in accordance with the [Buddhist] doctrine. The text claims that these current activities of devotion will be the present act that causes lay adherents of Buddhism to be born in the future as part of the vast retinue of Maitreya, and that under Maitreyas guidance they will then attain the truth, the highest stage. In that future time, Maitreya will guide them with three types of miracles so that they eliminate their outflows and are joyful (verse 77-78). 142 (AMV 26). Numbers in brackets, Bracketed page with sigla represent the Tibetan versions: LH being the Lhasa edition and. Sudhana is the name of the protagonist in the Array of Stalks Stra (, , c. 200 to 300 CE) that is found within the Garland of Buddhas Stra (, ). Thompson, Richard. Also, he did not tell the world that " Maitreya is the Christ." There was a gentleman in England by the name of . 83. the merit accrued to attain any of these rebirths is exhausted. 74Reading for (AMV 15). 64This verse is found only in edition B of the text. And there is no doubt that having sat down at the foot of that tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will obtain the unsurpassable, complete enlightenment (AMV 18, n. 2). The Ahaly Story Through the Ages. In Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian Tradition, by Julia Leslie, 3962. 8:19 PREVIEW Lost Divinity. MW (1154.1) translates this as going entirely over or beyond. The Tibetan text differ in their translation, though this is possibly a scribal error: The first is literally coming correctly. See N. Pri, Review of Matsumoto Bunzabur, Miroku jdo ron (Etude de la Terre-Pure de Maitreya), BEFEO vol. that he has gone forth into homeless life.. By Scott Wood. spent the noble, auspicious, eight-limbed. (87), Also, whoever will be living in the city of Ketumat, those people will indeed worship that one entering the best of cities. The gods will strew [flowers] on the sage who has come to the city. Literally, she who has Brahm. 7:18 PREVIEW Grief. 66The main translation here follows version B (AMV 14) with which the Tibetan agrees: Having properly lifted that [boy] Maitreya, blazing with glory and possessing the thirty-two marks, the midwife will give him into the hands of his mother ( , LH 983.4-983.5, NT 962.7-963.1). For Mithil, the Tibetan has which usually translates the name of the city Mathura (AMV 10-11; LH 981.5-981.6; NT 961.2-961.3). The reason this could be said is because it has been about 2,500 years since this prophecy was first told by the original Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, and . Avadna known as prophecy or revelation. Hart, George. Let go, Thousand-Eyes! and (Maitreya porteur des trente-deux marques. It tells of the rising of regular people who wish to bring about great change and heal. Sariputra, the great general of the doctrine, most wise and resplendent, from compassion for the world asked the Lord: 'Some time ago you have spoken to us of the future Buddha, who will lead the world at a future . In verse 27 the name is given as Subrahmaa (). According to tradition, Asaga received teachings from Maitreya and recorded them in the Five Dharma Treatises of Maitreya, which form the basis for buddha-nature . 4806 of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta. This practice was adopted by the Buddha from other ascetic sects in his day. I have decided to retranslate it mainly in order to refresh and practice my woefully inadequate knowledge of Sanskrit but also with the motivation to provide a full, fresh English translation of this treatise for faith-based Buddhism. Those women will give birth to sons with ease and well-being. Majumder has (AMV 14, n. 2), but Lvi (386, v. 44) gives , literally pregnant wives. The Bhaiajya-guru-vairya-prabh-rja Stra, which focuses on Bhaiajyaguru, a healing Buddha also known as the "Medicine Buddha". Given the breadth of their knowledge and their agreement, they are most likely correct. Early versions of such stories are found throughout the Buddhist canon, with birth-stories of the Buddha (jtakas, , ) being the most well-known example. 85The Tibetan reads here (LH 985.2; NT 964.4), which literally translates as the state of the nectar [of immortality]. The Sanskrit is the name in Brahmic culture for the nectar of immortality, but here it is used in its literal sense of deathlessness, which in a Buddhist context must refer to nirva. One major (the most populous) group within Hinduism is the worship of the God Vishnu and His Avatars. His second congregation will be a full 940 million Hearers. From 1984, at 33 years old, He returned to Nepal, India, and Tibet/China; and in Northern California He established His Planetary Ashram allowing many hundreds of Monasteries to come under His Direct Mastery as Tulku Buddha . In this way, the text lays out a clear an active path for the lay Buddhist, one of faith that will lead one to a future situation where one will have the opportunity to practice the demanding path to realization. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects (Theravada, Mahayana, Tantrayana, Navayana, Purnayana, Triyana and Vajrayana) and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement about . Out of the 108 verses of the text only two are devoted to describing Maitreyas doctrine, and these are simply a summary of the Four Noble Truths. Of these, the most important is the Angatavasa ("The Chronicle of the Future [Buddha]"). Looking upwards in the four directions, he will proclaim these words: This is my last life. 2003 Preview SONG TIME Winteryear. These are the Buddhist Pure Lands that the highest realm of cyclic existence. 95 (AMV 19). His name is derived from mitra, 'friend,' friendliness being a basic Buddhist . The Sanskrit does not: (AMV 25). . Lvi (393) also agrees with A. Conze (239) omits this verse. I am following Lvi (394) here: Et, accompagne du meme nombre de personnes. Tibetan has at the forefront of an equal number of Brhmaas (, LH 986.5, NT 965.6-965.7). Patajali and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: An Alternative Social History of Early Dharmastra Production. In. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Company, 1985. will see the thoroughly enlightened Maitreya, the best of bipeds. The present text, as edited here, is mainly based on the manuscript discovered at Gilgit. Literally, desires, not eating, and old age. The translation borrows from Conze (238-239), Three kinds of illness only are known people must relieve their bowels, they must eat, they must get old, and Lvi (391) who has les besoins, linanition, la vieillesse., 28 (AMV 7; LH 980.3; NT 959.7). 143 (AMV 26). 86In the Sanskrit there appears to be no indication that this is a quote from Maitreya except the use of the pronoun I . As a tatpara, (great kings) is a noun ending in short -, which makes it a nominative plural to match (four). Albeit poorly: ( LH 988.1, NT 965.6-965.7 ) is uncertain a of... Press, 1988. http: //search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u1669356 the pronoun I Sanskrit there appears to be India, where maitreya prophecy! Will hold up a white parasol over the head of that [ boy ] an equal number Brhmaas. The Dharma will have been forgotten on Jambudvipa fall to the rise of the of. Bhaiajya-Guru-Vairya-Prabh-Rja Stra, which focuses on Bhaiajyaguru, a healing Buddha also known as Rose or... 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