biodegradable plastic benefits

To combat this concern, some companies use mixed additive systems containing both stabilizers and prodegradants wherein the prodegradant can be triggered to overwhelm the stabilizers. A significant concern with blending chemicals into plastics that promote degradation is the effect the prodegradant containing plastics will have on the usefulness of recycled plastic. Hence, they are not a solution to the ocean pollution problems. Having to switch to biodegradable plastics will be very beneficial to us in the long run and will have a positive impact on our planet. As a company, we will donate a portion of our profits to help plastic waste clean up, ushering in a true circular economy. There are other places where we could help. Yes, it is! Several different types of bacteria have evolved the ability to consume hydrocarbons, giving them the capacity to "eat" plastic and hasten its decomposition. Most companies these days are jumping on the go green bandwagon and looking for ways to promote their plastic businesses by using certain words and phrases in their corporate mission statements and sales literature. Biodegradable plastics can be easily recycled to avoid the increasing number of plastic waste and emissions of greenhouse gases from the production by the industry. 3. Biodegradable plastics do not account for herbicides and pesticides. It will also help with cleaning the environment and help reduce the impact we have on the environment as a whole. We need to do something about our planet, and we need to do something soon or we may be facing a future where the planet may be inhabitable. Biodegradable plastics require less energy during the manufacturing cycle. Paper Example on Biodegradable Plastics: Environmental Benefits, Costs, and Regulations . Clearly, we must consider better options for reducing the negative impact that the un-recycled plastic containers have on the environment. Many of the advantages of bioplastics rely on a net savings being created by a reducing of energy, water, or greenhouse gas emissions. 40% of all plastic is used for packaging, used one time and then discarded. Similar to bioplastic production, these renewable material-based plastics are recyclable and compostable. It releases fewer harmful substances when breaking down. 6. One such problem is the engineering problem. 312Fifth Avenue, NY 10160, New York, USA | Phone: 800-468-752 | Email: [emailprotected], they are not a solution to the ocean pollution. Does not solve the ocean pollution problem. One of the main advantages of using biodegradable polymers to make plastic bags is the significant reduction in the carbon emissions that happen during the manufacturing process as compared to that of regular plastic. For example, the corn-based plastic polymer PLA uses 65 percent less energy than creating a similar polymer from raw petroleum. We specialize in material selection and testing, plastic part design, service life prediction, forensic failure analysis, chemical resistance testing, due diligence studies on new plastic technologies, troubleshooting/problem solving in plastic manufacturing, and consulting on new opportunities and uses for existing products. This amount is 68% less than that of traditional plastics. Lower petroleum consumption is also another benefit when considering biodegradable plastics. They must totally and quickly decompose biologically or be compostable if they are made from plant biomass such as maize starch, sugar cane, or wheat. GreenCore is a biodegradable shotshell wad that decomposes on exposure to bacteria naturally present in the environment. 10. Plastic pollution is growing at such an alarming rate because it just keeps piling up and up. This is very beneficial to us now more than ever. While not every form of landfill-friendly biodegradable plastic will completely break down, any reduction in the space required to dispose of this material will ease pressures on the waste stream. That figure represents about 32 million tons of waste each year, with only 9% of that amount directed into recycling programs. Conversely, biodegradable plastics decompose naturally and blend with the soil. Bioplastics are generally compostable, which means they will decay into natural materials that will eventually blend harmlessly into the soil. Hence, this type of plastic enhances environmental protection by lowering carbon emissions. On the other hand, conventional plastic bags take hundreds of years to completely degrade. Our plastics scientists and engineers have decades of experience. Hence, biodegradable plastics contribute to climate change and global warming. Biodegradable plastics are on the rise as a solution to this problem. Science Fair Project Ideas for Kids, Middle & High School Students, Environmental Protection Agency: Plastics. In contrast, biodegradable plastics do not release carbon or methane as no carbon is used in its manufacturing process. That would create fewer pressures on the overall waste stream. One of the main advantages of using biodegradable plastic is a significant reduction . Biodegradable plastics use natural products; therefore, the use of bioplastic can profoundly reduce the amount of petroleum used and consequently lessen its environmental hazards. Humans are using different forms of plastics each day. Yes, you can try loading their dinner plates with plastic bottles or bags, and you shall see the entire meal being skipped by these unicellular gluttons. Here are some points you should know to get a better view about the safety of biodegradable plastics: Bioplastics will be a significant part of the economy. Biodegradable plastics would direct petroleum consumption to other needs. With zero oil-based content, it does not require refining processes that result in the release of high carbon dioxide to the environment. That leaves us with less waste to manage over all, reducing the potential for pollution in every biome. It will last for many years if stored indoors. Moreover, the land areas can be used for agriculture, residence or industrial applications instead of converting them to landfills. To help you fully understand, here are some advantages when you decide to use bioplastics. It will last many years if stored indoors. Having biodegradable plastics as an alternative will help with the inability to recycle normal plastics. When they begin to break down in the environment, bacteria in the soil begin to consume the components. Plastics and its by-products are cluttering up our cities, oceans and contributing to deadly health problems in humans and animals. The need to use more land for croplands is another problem that is faced. This indicates that, in contrast to traditional plastics, they are intended to degrade into biological components. The polyethylene created through the manufacturing cycle using natural items may contain high levels of manganese, which can stop breaking down when you begin the composting process for these items. With the help of an extrusion machine, the film or sheet is prepared which is then rolled on the rod. Our current technologies require us to take over the use of croplands for the production of natural materials to create biodegradable plastics instead of using them to produce food. Further study will ensure that the bacteria and the byproducts produced are nontoxic, but this could represent one possible piece of the solution to the world's solid waste problems. Traditional plastics. Bioplastic is made of organic materials such as soybean and corn plus polylactic acid (PLA). You must pay attention to the quality and labeling of the bioplastic items upon purchase to ensure that you are using items that can decompose rapidly. Besides, there are many benefits using biodegradable plastics. Herbicides and pesticides are not tracked by this industry, so there is no way to know what your exposure levels might be when you encounter these natural products. While in some cases, the bioplastic material mixes with traditional plastic to give products more strength, any percentage that comes from a renewable source saves petroleum. Since the disposal method has become an issue, we should improve bioplastic by increasing its biodegradability. Therefore, Biopolymer is the official manufacturer and supplier of Coffee Bio . Reduces Carbon Emission. The net carbon savings for recycling would be up to 30%, and for some researchers, the savings could be as high as 80% if we switch to biodegradable plastics. The continued destruction and pollution have caused this slow death to speed up to the point where we are seeing some of the long-term effects sooner and that has many people worried. He began his writing career in 2007 and now works full-time as a writer and transcriptionist. That means it may not be an affordable solution for everyone right now, but it could be in the future. The recycled materials are compatible with standard plastic manufacturing equipment, thus making a way for rapid market adoption. This is because they help reduce plastic waste and safeguard the environment by breaking it down quickly. When choosing a "biodegradable" product, the consumer tends to forget about the fact that mountains of waste pile up every year in the landfills. Biodegradable plastics degrade in a much reasonable time frame and can be more renewable than plastics today. We must address the causes of why we pollute in the first place to ensure our biomes remain healthy for future generations. 11) Avocado. But should premature degradation occur, resulting in bottle failure, significant liability issues could result. Bioplastics are not as toxic as other plastics. 6. There are positives that methane and other pollutants could also be released when traditional plastic is recycled or burned. There are also many other benefits that havent been discussed and so looking at other sources will yield much more knowledge about the benefits outside of this article, so it is worth looking more into. Biodegradable plastics are plastics degraded by microorganisms into the water, carbon dioxide, and biomass under specified conditions. When it comes to plastics and the environment, it seems right now there are more questions than solutions. Organizations that adopt this product are often seen as being preferable because they are viewed as being concerned about the environment. Other types of traditional plastic constitute 13 percent of the waste stream that is 32 million tons of trash annually, and only 9 percent of this type of plastic can be recycled. Your email address will not be published. Unlike traditional plastics, biodegradables require less energy to produce. 2. Industrially compostable plastics are designed to biodegrade in the conditions of an industrial composting plant or an industrial anaerobic digestion plant with a subsequent composting step. While it has many advantages, biodegradable plastic can be a bad idea. A major benefit of biodegradable plastics is considerably decreasing carbon emissions during manufacturing. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. The market for biodegradable plastic packaging was assessed at $4.65 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.04% by 2025, reaching a market value of up to $12.06 million. Much of the plastics that are produced today cannot be recycled or can only be recycled a few times. Oxo-biodegradable plastic has a long shelf-life. Biodegradable plastics can either be injection molded (disposable cutlery, medical parts, rigid packaging, etc.) Since many of the reports cited in research involves industry-produced data, we must have access to more independent studies to understand if the advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable plastics are moving in the right direction. In 2016, China produced approximately 290,000 tons of biodegradable plastics. In fact, they still mix between the renewable and non-renewable resources. We might be using natural products to create biodegradable plastics, but that doesnt mean we are eliminating our exposure to chemicals through this manufacturing process. It takes less energy to manufacture. When facilities have the correct composting equipment available to manage biodegradable plastics, we can experience an entire breakdown of the product in 18-36 months, depending on what method is used. Even if a complete breakdown does not occur, we would achieve a reduction in the amount of space needed to dispose of the materials. Because corn products represent 40% of the U.S.-based bioplastics industry, so it is notable that one acre requires 3,000 gallons of water for each bushel of yield. Our plastic scientists are available to advise and assist plastic product manufacturers evaluate the lifecycle of their products and to advise on ways to make products truly more environmentally-friendly. Plastics can end up in the food and water we drink in the form of microplastics. In fact, the creation of bioplastics results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional plastic. A bioplastic may be 100 percent fossil-based. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Poland Spring is reducing the number of plastic components that they use for their packaging needs. Similar to conventional plastics, bioplastics would disintegrate into tiny fragments if they were to end up in the ocean. Biodegradable plastics use alternate materials or specialized enzymatic or chemical reactions to break down the material quickly once exposed to the elements. These materials take centuries to decompose, becoming a threat to the environment, humans, and animals. The machines that are necessary to produce these plastics and to maintain them is another major cost to take into consideration. It is designed to break down easier and/or reduce our consumption of fossil fuels . When we create this mixture, the plastic products often have more strength as well. The landfills occupy land you utilize for other uses, such as residential houses, agriculture, or industries. In fact, most plastic items will take up to 1,000 years before they actually decompose. Your email address will not be published. Natural materials break down into their fundamental components and are then reused to create new things. Bagasse Products An Essential Step Towards Earth! 3. Whether you need help solving quadratic equations, inspiration for the upcoming science fair or the latest update on a major storm, Sciencing is here to help. That would mean we would need to come up with a system where it can be disposed of properly instead of winding up in other areas where it does not belong. The list of benefits of using biodegradable polymers is listed as follows: It is Easy to recycle biodegradable polymers: These polymers not only decompose faster when discarded but can also be easily recycled using an organic method. Such pesticides can find their way into the final product of the plastic and harm the consumers. As a consequence, the land that could have been used for agriculture, residence or industrial applications is converted into landfills by non-biodegradable plastic. Does it really matter to you if there are biodegradable micro-plastics in your tap water instead of traditional plastics? Plastics are a central part of modern life. Being oil-based these materials are non-biodegradable, meaning they have a lasting presence in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. . For instance, the cost of PET or PE made from sugar cane or bio-ethanol is around 20% higher than that of traditional plastics. Using a printing machine, company name, logo, etc are printed . Then the natural bacteria in the composting container digest it to produce something that can benefit the planet later on. For instance, a major use of recycled plastic is to mold items for use outdoors (e.g., park benches). Plastics are widely used for the manufacturing of packaging materials because of their performance and ease in production. Petroleum-based materials are derived from crude oil. Although recycling would be a good way to reduce the plastics in the landfills, currently "only 5% out of 1 trillion plastic bags, annually produced in the US alone, are being recycled" (Sivan, 2011). Biodegradable plastics may produce methane in landfills. will replace the plastic composition, with the addition of additives to improve the features of the bag. These advantages include: Fewer carbon emissions Waste Reduction Better waste management Better recycling Reduced pollution Reduced toxicity in the environment Lesser species endangerment Decreased use of petroleum Decreased health risks Biodegradable plastics require the weather to cooperate with their disposal. It is possible to boost the biodegradability of plastics by adding specific microbial strains, a process known as bioaugmentation. Lets check this out! Biodegradable plastics not only take significantly less time to break down, but can also be recycled to manufacture more plastic by-products. Because there is no general oversight on the manufacturing cycle from crop growth to final distribution, there isnt reliable data available to suggest that biodegradables are useful beyond the ability to offer more profits to some companies or create compost fodder. In addition, it generates 68 percent fewer greenhouse gases during its manufacture, representing a significant environmental benefit. It creates a result which is believed to be eco-friendly compared to the traditional plastics that we throw away every day. Reuse old plastic bags or invest in some fabric shopping bags. Moreover, biodegradable plastic production produces lower carbon emission. Biodegradable plastics require composting or recycling to ensure proper breakdown of the plastic pieces. PLASTIVISION INDIA 2020. Biodegradable plastics have many advantages, which include: 1. 4 Reasons Why Biodegradable Plastics Benefit the Environment 1. These types of plastics not only take less time to decompose when. Biodegradables come from products like switchgrass or corn, which means we could redirect the petroleum being used by the industry to our transportation or heating needs instead. 5. It would be inaccurate to say that these items are free from emissions since it requires petroleum to grow crops in the first place. Paper Type: Essay Pages: 7 Wordcount: 1820 Words Date: 2022-09-28 We are producing more waste plastic today than ever. We at Plastic Expert Group believe that good science can solve these problems. Plastics make our lives easier in many ways, but they can also contain potentially dangerous products that could harm our health at the same time. However, they do not decompose in the marine environment and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Some bioplastics will inevitably end up in landfills where, deprived of oxygen, they may release methane. Plastic makes up around 13 percent of the waste stream, representing 32 million tons of waste. Biodegradable packaging materials are now more popular among brands and consumers. Another factor to consider is costs. That number is equivalent to the annual emissions of 19 million vehicles. Many plastics used today take an extremely long time to degrade. or solid (food containers, leaf collections bags, water bottles, etc. We do not need to make completely new products using biodegradable plastics to create an environmental benefit with this technology. Given the fact that a dump truck's worth of plastic waste enters our oceans each minute, it's not surprising that people are looking to use their purchasing power in ways that will presumably leave a smaller footprint. This technology offers a number of advantages over traditional plastic materials. They must be thrown into our landfills or other waste management systems. Due to the raw materials and certain making process, bioplastic has a slightly higher price than fossil fuel plastic. 1. 7. That means we are burning fewer fossil fuels, consuming less of them during the manufacturing process, and releasing fewer contaminants when the plastics reach their end-of-life stage. The creation of bioplastics was prompted by the 1970s rising oil prices and reliance on oil. It also creates a unique disadvantage in the fact that our current technologies do not allow us to recycle these hybrid items once they reach their end-of-life cycle. While it decomposes naturally, biodegradable plastics behave like other plastics when in the ocean. Spring is reducing the negative impact that the un-recycled plastic containers have on the environment it. Tons of waste each year, with only 9 % of all is! Are producing more waste plastic today than ever using a printing machine company. The film or sheet is prepared which is believed to be eco-friendly compared to conventional bags... Help you fully understand, here are some advantages when you decide to use land.: Essay Pages: 7 Wordcount: 1820 Words Date: 2022-09-28 we are producing more waste plastic today ever! 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biodegradable plastic benefits